Summary of the implementation of waste water collection and treatment system

The aims of the project

In accordance with the 91/271/EEC, as well as the obligations in the Accession Treaty the overall objective of the projet  is to support the sewage functions of agglomerations above 2000 PE (population equivalent), the wastewater treatment, advanced sludge treatment and utilization, and liquid waste disposal of sewage treatment works.

In order to meet the deadlines of the Accession Treaty the execution of the 25/2002. (II. 27) governmental regulation on the National and Municipal Wastewater Cleaning Implementation Programme (hereinafter referred to as NMWCIP) must be continued, the construction of the new public utility wastewater collection and treatment facilities, the expansion of the existing sewer systems, and the upgrading of wastewater treatment plants, the construction of at least biological level treatment of sewage, the development of sewage sludge treatment and utilization facilities, and the construction of liquid waste disposal structures must be continued.

The aims of the project connect to the developments of the 2nd priority of KEHOP: ‘Municipal water supply, wastewater collection and treatment’, including the 2nd measure: ‘Developments related to wastewater disposal and treatment’, as well as the 3rd group of intervention measures of ‘The investments necessary to the optimal utilization of sewage sludge, energy efficency improvements’.

Range of Applicants

Grant application may be submitted by claimants who are named in Annex 1 of 1477/2014. VIII. 27. government decision on the conditions of execution  of projects under the Environmental and Energy Efficency Operational Programme on the obligations related to certain derogations laid down in the 2003 EU Accession Treaty

The support applications must be prepared and submitted online through an electronic formfilling software. The received grant applications will be evaluated on the basis of the priority selection procedure. A detailed description of the procedure can be found under 7.B. point of Call Information Brochure No. 2. Please note that the grant application must be accompanied by a declaration with an authorized signature certifying the data content of the application. If it has not been signed electronically the paper copy of the declaration must be submitted by post as soon as possible after the electronic submission but within 3 days the latest following the electronic submission in a sealed package as a registered mail to the following address:

Nemzeti Fejlesztési Minisztérium Környezeti és Energiahatékonysági Operatív Programokért Felelős Helyettes Államtitkárság

1134 Budapest, Váci út 45/D.

Support may be granted to projects that meet the criteria outlined in Annex 2 of 7.A ‘The professional annexes of the Call’. Submitting the support application is possible from 17th November 2014 until the suspension of the construction.


Eligible professional activities:

Project preparation (can not apply solely for this activity!)

Establishment, expansion and modernization of wastewater treatment plants

Construction, expansion and reconstruction of the sewage system

Establishment, expansion and modernization of sewage sludge treatment facilities

Developing unique wastewater treatment systems (can not apply solely for this activity!)


The above professional and additional activities can be combined.