
The role of local administration and municipal coordination in building a SMART area
Dr. Tamás Szabó public administration expert The presentation was held at the Summer School's Intelligent Region Day on 18 July 2024 in Ipolytölgyes.
"Up the mountain and back to the river" - Smart Region and regional cooperation Endre Gyertyánági, Coordinator of the V4 Mountain Ecosystem Network The presentation was delivered at the Summer School's Smart Region Day event in Ipolytölgyes on 18 July 2024.
Smart Village initiative and energy community in Alsómocsolád Gabriella Zagyva Climate Officer, Municipality of Alsómocsolád The presentation was given at the Summer School Smart Village Day event in Kóspallag on 17 July 2024.
Opportunities for upland water management Presentation by Péter Krisztián Taliga, Section Engineer - Central Danube Valley Water Management Directorate The presentation was given at the Summer School Water Day on 16 July 2024 in Perőcsény
Introducing the Dunamező Biokert Jr. László Batki, gardener from Nagymaros The lecture was given at the Summer School event in Szob on 15 July 2024.
The rural development and development policy context of smart villages Dr. Csaba Bálint, researcher, President of ECOVAST Association and professional leader of the "Stronger Roots" Local Developers Network project The presentation was delivered at the Summer School Smart Village Day event in Kóspallag on 17 July 2024.
Cor-reference for smart city web applications dr. Márton Péti, regional development expert, member of the ECOVAST Association board This keynotes was made at the Summer School Smart Village Day event in Kóspallag on 17 July 2024.

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