
Hungarian experts

Dr. Bálint Csaba

Research Institute for Agricultural Economics, President of ECOVAST Association

Born in Budapest, she graduated in agricultural economics from Szent István University, then obtained her PhD in regional sciences.Between 2014-2019 she worked at the SZIE Institute for Rural Development, and since 2020 she has been a researcher at the Institute of Agricultural Economics, where she is working on social innovation and impact measurement. He teaches at Corvinus University of Budapest and is an active participant in several international and national research projects.

Rajnai Gábor

ECOVAST board member

I was born in 1946 in Kecele, where I finished primary school and then graduated from high school in Vác. I graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Gödöllő and obtained a second degree in ergonomics. My interest in psychology started during my ergonomics studies. I have worked in public administration and advocacy organisations, then in regional development, especially in LEADER practice. I am the founder of the LOGOS Foundation, which aims to support personal development and talent support. I have been involved in the development of the National Talent Programme and in the development of the talent network.

Gyertyánági Endre

ECOVAST board member, project coordinator

I grew up in Muraszemenye and graduated from ELTE in sociology, Hungarian language and literature and history. In the 90s I worked as an entrepreneur and in 2002 I started working in the non-profit sector. I have been involved in NGO management, networking, youth work and community development for 20 years. I am currently working on the implementation of the Local Improvement Network project. I work in the fields of personal development, talent management and social innovation, as well as consultancy and mentoring.

Dr. Péti Márton

Regional development expert

He is a geographer with ties to Veszprém, a geographer of spatial development and environmental research, who holds a PhD in sustainable spatial planning. He has worked in governmental and national strategic institutions, and teaches and researches at universities (ELTE, Corvinus, Pannon). He has been working on spatial planning, climate adaptation and rural development for more than 20 years. He is a board member of ECOVAST and is actively involved in various professional organisations and the Local Developers Network project.

Pluhár-Schaf Ibolya

Waldorf teacher, Association President

Active in Boróka Child Welfare Association – currently working in Berkenye

Sándor Bálint

Romhány, traditional shepherd’s music, shepherd’s trumpet, flute, tárogató

 Viktor János

Beef shepherd in Berceli

Radnai Bertalan

Mayor of Ipolytölgyes

Kelecsényi Ágnes

Director of Vác and Surroundings TDM Nonprofit Ltd.

Keresztúri Barbara

BARKE Iris Ltd., professional communication officer of the Hungarian Biodiversity Research Society

Dr. Bajnok Márta

Researcher, Association of Hungarian Livestock Breeders, meadows and pastures research

Juhász Lilla

President of Talpalatnyi Wilon Nature Conservation Foundation

Rottenhoffer István

Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Society Börzsönyi Local Group

Schváb Móni

Lekvár-Lak local producer Nagybörzsöny

Klinger József

Financial expert and organiser of the Energy Community – Tésa

Fodor István

Entrepreneur and operator of the Self-Development House

Tóth Miklós

Filmmaker, All Together Association

Korcsák Mónika

water expert, member of the CKA Water Coalition, Danube Bend Cultural Landscape and Environmental Protection Association

Zagyva Gabriella

smartvillage project manager, North-Hegyhat Micro-regional Union, Alsómocsolád

Csikós Balázs

Leader Iroda pályázati szakértő – Börzsöny-Duna-Ipoly Vidékfejlesztési Egyesület, Szob

Rományik Ferenc

Mayor of Ipolydamásd and President of the Leader Association and the Small Area Association

Polish experts

Wawrzyniec Maziejuk

Organic farming

Organic farm, engaged in traditional goat and cow rearing (grazing) and milk processing

Józef Michałek

Coordinator of sheep grazing on mountain pastures

„Activities for the preservation of the natural and cultural heritage in the Carpathians, in particular activities for the preservation of traditional pastoralism included in the National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage: Bacowanie.

Highlander and farming practices in the Carpathians, in particular the functioning of pastoral farms. For many years, he has worked closely with over a dozen shepherd farms in the area from the Silesian Beskids to the Bieszczady Mountains. Coordinator of the provincial programme ‘Owca plus’ in the Silesian and Żywiec Beskids. Co-organiser of the Carpathian Redyk 2013 and many other events activating local communities. An expert in shepherd and highlander culture. Promoter of the idea of development in ecosystem spaces. Has a working knowledge of cultural sheep grazing, issues of local livestock breeds and functioning of small pastoral farms in the Carpathians. Conducts workshops on cultural heritage, cultural trails, handicrafts and traditional mountain economy as well as traditional and regional products. „

Krzysztof Staszewski


„Coordinator and implementer of projects financed by public funds and the European Union (including PHARE, cross-border cooperation programmes), Swiss and Norwegian. Publisher (Carpathia Publishing House) of books on Carpathian themes (over 40 items), editor-in-chief of the Carpathian Social and Cultural Review. Popularizer of the idea of the Wallachian Culture Route.
Area of interest: cultural aspects of pastoralism in the Carpathians. Passionate about mountain tourism, globetrotter.”

dr inż. arch. Krzysztof Wielgus



„Researcher at the Krakow University of Technology, assistant professor at the Institute of Landscape Architecture, expert in defence architecture, passionate about the history of the Krakow Fortress, author of numerous research and design works in the field of defence architecture, industrial architecture, airfield architecture and history of WWI aviation and aviation archaeology.
He also works for the protection and revalorisation of mountain landscapes. He is co-author of the concept of the Wallachian Culture Route in the Carpathians (together with J. Środulska-Wielgus, Z. Błachut, P. Kohut, J. Michałek, J. Buczek, I. and J. Królczyk and others, under the Leader+ Programme 2007), contributed to the realisation of the pilot section in Ochotnica Górna. in 2015 and the realisation of the Trail within the framework of the Interreg Poland-Slovakia project in 2018.”

dr hab. inż. arch. Jadwiga Środulska-Wielgus, prof. PK


„Researcher at the Cracow University of Technology, assistant professor at the Institute of Landscape Architecture.
Works for the protection and revalorisation of mountain landscapes. She is co-author of the concept of the Wallachian Culture Route in the Carpathians (together with K. Wielgus, Z. Błachut, P. Kohut, J. Michałek, J. Buczek, I. and J. Królczyk and others, under the Leader+ Programme 2007), contributed to the realisation of the pilot section in Ochotnica Górna. in 2015 and the realisation of the Trail within the framework of the Interreg Poland-Slovakia project in 2018.”

Andrzej Gąsienica-Makowski

Teacher, local government officer, politician and social activist

„Politician and local-government activist, highlander, MP for the Sejm of the first and second term, head of the Tatra Region in 1999-2014, vice-president of the Mountain Product Association, honorary member of the Podhale Association. Active in the field of mountain products and their promotion.
Poet, blacksmith artist for 50 years working for the benefit of shepherding in the Tatra Mountains, co-organiser of the Carpathian Redyk in 2013 and the Carpathian Congresses.”

Małgorzata Pociask

Ecologist, coordinator of projects on natural and cultural heritage of the Carpathians

Ecology with an emphasis on the protection of the natural and cultural heritage of the Carpathians. Coordination of projects on biodiversity and sustainable management of the region’s natural resources. Monitoring of ecosystems, environmental education, cooperation with local communities and institutions to promote environmental protection practices. Integration of traditional and modern methods of nature conservation, caring for the natural and cultural values of the Carpathians.

Jarosław Buczek

Baca, maker of Wallachian cheese, expert in handicrafts, instructor of dying highland professions

„He rebuilt a shepherd farm in the Ochotnica Dolna municipality, which is now his workplace. He revived the old tradition of shepherding, which was in danger of dying out completely in Ochotnica. At present, he grazes over 800 sheep.
grazing more than 800 sheep. In addition to traditional cheeses (oscypek, bunce), together with his wife Małgosia he has managed to revive a long-forgotten production of ripened cheese in Ochotnica and many other places in the Polish Carpathian Mountains, the so-called Old Syrah (bruska). He and his wife try to maintain old shepherd customs: the spring start of the season; the mixing of the sheep and its end in autumn, together with the traditions associated with them.”

Piotr Kohut


He runs a traditional cultural pasturage of about 1,100 sheep in the mountain pastures of the Silesian and Zywiec Beskids, taking care to preserve the cultural heritage and biodiversity in the mountain areas. Together with his wife Maria, he founded the Transhuman Shepherding Foundation. Initiator of the project Carpathian Redyk – Transhumance 2013, a traditional shepherds’ trek with 300 sheep through the Carpathian countries: Romania – Ukraine – Poland – Slovakia – Czech Republic.

Robert Karpeta

Master’s degree in agribusiness economics/engineer of agricultural and forestry technology/long-term employee of the state and local administration

Since 2007, he has been implementing and supervising the implementation of the Provincial Sheep Plus Programme. He has taken an active part in drafting its successive updates. He initiates and participates in events and projects relating to shepherd management and the preservation of traditions and culture in mountain areas. He is an advocate of systemic support for mountain areas where pastoral farming is a very difficult and costly challenge. Supports the development of educational farms that educate children and young people in farming and pastoral management.

dr Marian Szewczyk

Botanist, nature photographer, lecturer

Botanist, biologist, photographer, nature enthusiast, author of numerous plant atlases, researcher of mountain areas, co-operates with the Bieszczady National Park, Jagiellonian University, Institute of Botany in Krakow, supervisor of the Scientific Circle of Nature Photographers ‘FOTOsynteza”.

dr hab. Andrzej Bobiec, prof. UR


Research interests: Agricultural landscape ecology, ecohistory of agriculture and woodlands, trees and canopies in agricultural landscapes, structure and dynamics of forest biocenoses, dendroecology, conservation of bio-cultural heritage of landscapes, landscape anthropology.

Paweł Królikowski

Cultural expert, specialisation folklore and ethnology, photographer

Interests: Lemkivshchyna, shepherding in the Bieszczady and Beskid Niski mountains

dr Justyna Cząstka-Kłapyta

Ethnomusicologist, musicologist, ethnologist and cultural anthropologist, lecturer at Jagiellonian University: Institute of Geography and Spatial Management at Jagiellonian University, Beskid and Tatra guide

Main interests: culture of the Carpathian circle with particular emphasis on musical phenomena, recently also cosmological background in toponomastics of the Carpathians. In his analyses, he takes into account not only classical principles of ethnomusicology, but also a broad anthropological, interdisciplinary cognitive perspective with emphasis on a multifaceted view of the studied phenomena (e.g. historicism, hermeneutics, cognitive science, cosmology). Apart from lecturing at his home university (Jagiellonian University), he gives lectures at various cultural institutions in Poland. She is a juror of folklore reviews, organiser of several Hutsul festivals, scientific conferences, author of an interdisciplinary monograph ‘Caroling in the Hutsul Region’ (2014) of more than a thousand pages, several popular science films and about a hundred scientific and popular science articles. She creates and coordinates national and international research projects for the purpose of popularising specialised scientific research throughout the Carpathians. In 2015-2019, she participated as the only expert on ethnomusicological research in an international research grant entitled: ‘Vlachs in European and Polish cultural space.

dr hab. Piotr Kłapyta

Geographer, geomorphologist, Paleogeography, reconstruction of environmental changes during the last 20 thousand years

His scientific interests include palaeogeography and glacial geomorphology, the history of mountain glaciation in the Carpathians and the evolution of their relief over the last 20,000 years. Conducts scientific research in the Western Carpathians (Tatras, Low Tatras, Babia Góra), Eastern and Southern Carpathians and Eastern Alps. Participant of research projects on reconstruction and chronology of Tatra glaciations. He also conducts research on the historical-geographical problems of Vlach settlements. Participant of a research grant: ‘Wallachians in European and Polish cultural space. Migration – settlement – cultural heritage’. Passionate about Carpathian topography, author of more than 200 panoramas of the Western and Eastern Carpathians and the Tatra Mountains, folklorist by avocation, participant in many research projects devoted to folk culture of the Carpathians (Spisz, Pieniny, Hutsulszczyzna, Podhale), co-implementer of projects ‘Towards the source – religious song of highlanders from Pieniny and Gorce’, ‘Music without borders’, ‘Power of the Carpathians’. Member of the Carpathian Scientific Council, initiator and coordinator of the International Hutsul Festivals ‘Behind the voice of the trembita’, ‘Slavic Atlantis’, ‘S. Vincenz Festival’ (2006, 2008, 2010).

Marek Stroński


Interests: Highlanders, Podhale, shepherding, Trail of Wallachian Culture

Małgorzata Piątek

External funding specialist

It works to make tourists, as well as residents, aware that the Ochotnica Dolna Commune, in addition to the Gorce nature and landscapes, has a rich culture and the tradition associated with shepherding is still alive in it. The activities are carried out within the framework of various projects referring to the tradition of shepherding in the village, promote shepherding and the cultural heritage of the entire Carpathian arc, and introduce the inhabitants of the commune and visitors to the world of shepherding culture of the Carpathians.

Tadeusz Królczyk

Mayor of Ochotnica Dolna Commune

„As the Head of the Ochotnica Dolna commune, he has been involved in the development of the Wallachian Trail from the very beginning. Initiator of projects discovering and cultivating Wallachian traditions and Wallachian history. Initiated the organisation of the 2nd Wallachian Congress and inventory of Wallachian cultural elements.
Initiator of publications on Wallachian history and culture, including the first comic book on the history of Podhale about Wallachians and Ochotnica, as well as the publications ‘Places of Memory’ and ‘Wallachian Echoes in Ochotnica Tylmanowa’. He also initiated the project of digital access to the resources of the Wallachian Culture Route in the municipality. Organiser of workshops and educational meetings on Wallachian heritage.

Jacek Skórka

Entrepreneur, social activist

Entrepreneur and farmer, local activist. Graduate of the Cracow University of Economics in the field of Informatics and Econometrics. Volunteer in many local government and non-governmental activities for the development of the Bieszczady mountains..

Julian Kowalczyk

Regionalist, social activist

President of the Management Board of the St. John Paul II Association of Podhale People in Poland, honorary member of the Association of Podhale People in Poland, formerly: President of the board of the Spisz branch in Łapsze Niżne, editor-in-chief of the newspaper ‘Na Spiszu’ and ‘Podhalanin’, author of books and co-author of films on regional issues, author of ‘The Book of Polish Highlanders’.

Regionalist, social activist

dr Agnieszka Pieniążek

Lawyer, political scientist, coordinator of projects related to cultural and natural heritage of the Carpathians

It works for the development and cooperation within the framework of the Wallachian Culture Route. Coordinates and implements cross-border projects promoting and popularising the cultural and natural heritage of the Carpathians.

Slovak experts

Grman Balázs

Project Manager, Patács Association/Patac Association -Kéménd Slovakia

RNDr. Tomáš Kušík, PhD.


Mgr. Pavol Littera, PhD.

Propresident of Vedenie BROZ

Mgr. Miriam Miláčková, PhD.

Director of Vedenie BROZ


Szvetlana Belova

Director of Machaon

Dr. Jozef Bednar

President of Machaon

Jakiv Antipenko

Producer and photographer of Machaon

Ing. Janka Szemesová, PhD.


Mgr. Lenka Zetochová

Biofuels expert and quality manager

Mgr. Alexandra Nadžadyová

Biofuels expert and quality manager

Ing. Zuzana Jonáček

Air pollutants inventory coordinator

Mgr. Petra Kršáková

Air pollutants inventory coordinator

Ing. Kristína Tonhauzer, PhD.

Expert for agricultural emissions

Mgr. Ján Horváth, PhD.

Expert for transport emissions

Mgr. Marcel Zemko

Expert for emissions projections

Tibor Karafa

Nature protector

Ing. Svätopluk Čepelák

Nature protector

Ing. Peter Kosztolányi

Regional Environment protection office

Mgr. Mária Koláriková

Regional Environment protection office

RNDr. Eva Seková

Regional Environment protection office

Ing. Monika Benková

Regional Environment protection office

Ing. Soňa Ailerová

Regional Environment protection office

Ing. Martina Hudecová

Regional Environment protection office

Ing. Vojtech Kovács


Jozef Marunič

Environment protection activist

Ing. Jozef Sandor

Vine producer

RNDr. Stanislav Pavlík

Environment protection activist

Jozef Armai

Environment protection activist

Tibor Góra

Environment protection activist

Robert Šimurka

Environment protection activist

Tomáš Ágh

Environment protection activist

Lucia Takáčová

Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic

Ing. Ivan Gašinec, CSc.

Forest protection expert

Ing. Dana Benediktiová

Regional Environment protection office

Ing. Tomáš Dražil, PhD.

Slovensky raj national park

Ing. Peter Orgován

Environment protection activist

MUDr. Gregor Kuffa

Environment protection activist

Ing. Mário Gajdošík

Environment protection activist

Ing. Robert Góra


Ing. Slavka Švecová

Environment protection activist

Ing. Raimund Nedela

Environment protection activist

Tichomir Bučko

Slovakian assocciation of the Hungarian Steppe Cattle

František Haban

Environment protection activist

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