Perspective Building Workshops on ‘Mountain Pasture Ecosystems and Pastoralism’ – Nagybörzsöny, HU
The Hungarian Perspective Building Workshop took place on 2-4 May 2024 in Nagybörzsöny. Our main topics were participatory conservation of meadows, grasslands, forests and biodiversity in the Börzsöny Mountains and the Ipoly River Basin, as well as the potential for natural water conservation and restoration of semi-natural wetlands and community- based conservation of biodiversity. On 2 May, in the morning, the workshop participants explored the topic „Conserving grasslands, rangelands, forests and biodiversity to halt climate change in the Börzsöny Mountains and the Ipoly River Basin”. We were introduced to the indigenous knowledge of pastoralism by Bálint Sándor, an anthropologist and tinker student, who was accompanied by János Viktor, a goulash farmer from Bercel. On the second day we presented local producers and innovative enterprises in the field of rural tourism. The evening programme included traditional shepherd- bass music and an instrument demonstration with Viktor Konrád, a folk musician and folk instrument maker. On Saturday, 4 May, the conference participants went on a study trip to the Börzsöny Mountains and the Ipoly River valley. The theme of the study trip was „Local projects in organic farming”, and we visited the Nagymaros Produce Market and the fruit processing plant of Monostor Flavours in Kismaros. Our programme ended with a visit to the Reality Manufactory in Szokolya, founded by young families with children who moved from Budapest and created an organic community on 2 hectares.
Newsletter in Hungarian. Report on the workshop in English. More pictures from the events can be found in the Gallery.