Workshop in Poland

Perspective Building Workshops on ‘Mountain Pasture Ecosystems and Pastoralism’ – Odrzechowa, PL


On 21-23 May 2024, a three-day workshop on „Mountain Pasture Ecosystems and Pastoralism” was held, organised by the Polish partner organisation „Pro Carpathia”. The workshop took place in Odrzechowa, at the Experimental Department of the PIB Institute of Animal Breeding, in Pod-Carpathia Region. The main objective of the workshop was to raise awareness of the importance of mountain pastures and their role in the ecosystem. 

The workshop included both theoretical lectures and practical field activities. The programme was rich and varied, allowing participants to gain knowledge and practical skills. The workshop featured expert presentations on the following topics: – the condition and conservation of meadows and grasslands, – meadows and grasslands: condition, conservation and preservation of meadows and grasslands, and their sensitive plants, – vegetation diversity (communities) and analysis of the flora of grazed areas by ecological and utilisation groups, – pollinators of meadows and grasslands, – spiders in meadows and pastures. 

The expert presentations were followed by a discussion on the topics raised in the presentations. The second day of the workshop started with an expert presentation on the impact of grazing on biodiversity of species, habitats and landscapes – how to repair a degraded landscape, how to counteract climate change. The workshop participants then went to the field (Odrzechowa) to discuss the flora of plant communities. The third day of the workshop was dedicated to expert presentations and discussions on the biodiversity of the Carpathians.


Social media: 1. Facebook  2. Instagram

More pictures from the events can be found in the Gallery.

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