Perspective Building Workshops on ‘Mountain Pasture Ecosystems and Pastoralism’ – Kamenin, SK
The workshop organised by the Patac NGO on 18-20 April 2024 brought us closer to understanding the needs and characteristics of our pastures. On the first day of the workshop, we listened to two enlightening lectures on the fauna and flora that were here before the mass industrialisation of agriculture. We were shown historical photographs of the Slovak landscape as a result of cattle herds grazing and its impact on forests. The second day of the workshop was dedicated to visiting farmers with larger pastures. This provided an opportunity for all parties to see and get an idea of the problems they face. Sometimes it is difficult to see the concept of an issue from behind a desk, so it was particularly useful for government officials to see how grazing is actually done. The last day of the workshop was dedicated to the presentation of pasture and grazing traditions in the village of Kamenín, where we visited the local „House of Traditions”. This is essentially a museum of a farmhouse, where we could observe what a farmhouse looked like about 100 years ago. They showed us the customs and techniques of grazing, which included a presentation about how every village had at least one shepherd who took everyone’s cattle out to pasture in the morning In summary, the workshop resulted in the development of an action plan and the creation of a network of experts on pastures and grazing, which will be used for future communication.

- Ma 7 -report on the event, journalist Klára Bokor participated and produced and published a report 2. Report on the official website of the municipality of Kéménd 3. Facebook site of Anima Association 4. V4 Local Developers Network Facebook site